How to Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently

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How to Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently

Whether it's on the face, body, or in particularly sensitive areas, unwanted hair is a downfall both men and women face every day when they look in the mirror.

Worse still, unwanted body hair can lead to feelings of discomfort and loss of confidence, which is why many strive to reduce and remove unwanted hair or, better still, rid of it permanently.

In this article, we will guide you through some of the best ways to remove unwanted hair and how to prevent hair regrowth.

Best Way to Remove Unwanted Hair

Depending on where the hair is, the method of removal may vary. After all, you want the hair removal process to be a clean and comfortable one, rather than painful and, possibly, damaging to the skin.

Below, explore the best ways to remove unwanted hair and how to prepare skin for hair removal.

Removing Unwanted Facial Hair

As with every type of hair removal, there are a variety of ways you can remove unwanted facial hair. Some choose to shave, in which case it's important to apply a natural exfoliant and wash your face with warm soapy water beforehand to prepare your skin. However, shaving doesn't remove hair from the root which means you may see regrowth relatively quickly.

To make your facial hair removal last longer, try a method that will remove the hairs from the root. For small areas, such as your eyebrows, upper lip and chin, you may want to consider threading, which is available in most beauty salons.

For larger areas, such as your cheeks, you should wax or try laser treatment which is costly but effective. For the most painless method of hair removal, you can use hair removal cream, however, again, it will not remove hairs from their root, which means you may have to remove hair up to a few times a week.

Removing Unwanted Body Hair

Depending on where your unwanted body hair is, be it your legs, chest, belly or back, there are different wants to remove hair and get your skin looking and feeling its best. In most cases, you will want to wax body hair as waxing is an affordable and quick way of removing hair evenly.

Whether you're using waxing strips at home or visiting your local beauty salon, make sure you exfoliate your skin a day or two before waxing as this will help the wax to grab hold of your hairs and remove them from the root, slowing regrowth.

Always avoid exfoliation immediately before you wax as it may make your skin more sensitive and, therefore, the hair removal process more painful.

Alternatively, you may want to use a hair removal cream which is quick, thorough and affordable; however, it will not remove hair follicles from the root which means your unwanted body hair will grow back very quickly.

For a longer-term solution, laser treatment is fantastic; however, treatments can be expensive, costing up to £400 and therefore not always practical.

If you have unwanted hair in hard to reach places such as your back and shoulders but don't want to stop by the salon, consider investing in an electric back shaver which has a wide blade and long handle to reach areas easily.

Removing Hair in Sensitive Areas

Removing hair in your sensitive areas is a delicate procedure and should be performed with the utmost care. For those of us that are shy or squeamish, popping by a beauty salon to have hairs torn out by a beauty professional is the last thing we want to do.

In which case, shaving is, typically, the best option, albeit not very permanent. Before shaving, relax in a hot bath for at least five minutes.

If you want a longer lasting solution, try waxing. While waxing is best performed by a professional, you can do it at home provided you are extra careful. At least 24 hours before waxing, exfoliate your skin and apply baby oil to soften the hair follicles, which will make the process less painful.

Whichever area of the body you're removing hair from, take your time and remove with care and, afterwards, always apply a soothing gel or moisturiser to reduce sensitivity, redness and irritation.

Stop Unwanted Hair Growth

If you want to get rid of unwanted hair permanently, FRÉNÉSIES's advanced treatments are superb.

Working with some of Europe's top scientists, we have developed three products specially formulated for men, women, and facial hair.

For a fraction of the cost of laser treatment and suitable for all skin and hair types, our products work to remove hair permanently over a five-day treatment that you should repeat between two to four times for permanent results.

Once you have removed hairs at the root by waxing or tweezing, for instance, apply our cream to block hair follicles and prevent regrowth.

On average, our customers see a 60 to 80% reduction in hair regrowth after their first treatment.

Our Body and Men creams are suitable for everything aside from your face, including your sensitive areas. However, our Face cream has been created especially for the face and the face only.

To remove your unwanted facial or body hair, use FRÉNÉSIES for proven, permanent results.

At FRÉNÉSIES, and through our joint work with top European scientists and physicians, we have developed an innovative treatment to stop unwanted hair growth and to get you feeling your best.

If you are looking to stop unwanted hair growth, start by applying one of our specially formulated FRÉNÉSIES creams...


  • Limoges Beauty

    Unwanted hairs are always a problem for today’s generation people. Thank you for sharing the post on removing unwanted hairs. useful for new users and I enjoyed reading it. It is recommended to check your requirement and than go for the best suitable hair removal method.

  • Mitch Grassi

    Very informative and great article as well. Thanks for sharing!!

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