Why Do Some Women Have Excessive Hair Growth?
It’s a fact of life that when women hit the menopause, they’re hormones change and some start to produce noticeable facial hair.
But did you know that many women from as early as late teenage years also have visible hair growth?
You probably haven’t noticed, because the women that have this tend to remove this unwanted hair.
There are a number of reasons as to why so many women suffer from Hirsutism (facial hair growth) from hormone imbalances to medical conditions that prompt the hair growth.
What is Hirsutism?
Let’s first be clear and say that everyone has facial hair, on women, it tends to be very light and non-troublesome, while often being referred to as ‘peach fuzz’. On men, it grows darker and longer while being coarse in texture.
Naturally over the many thousands of years, women have lost the need for facial hair whereas men have kept it, in fact; generally, women come across as ‘less’ hairy than men.
Now Hirsutism is where the body or face experiences excessive hair growth, of dark, thick, coarse hair that grows in a male pattern. For example, excessive hair can grow on the chin, moustache, the back and on the body, like it would on males.
Medical conditions that cause excessive hair growth
Excessive hair growth in women occurs typically because of a medical condition, which creates a rise in androgens levels that include the male hormone, testosterone.
A hormone imbalance which causes the high levels of androgens is the likely cause of excessive growth, as well as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, being overweight/obese, birth control pills, an ovarian tumour or congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Excessive hair growth can also be genetic too. Women from the Middle East, the Mediterranean and South Asia are all more likely to be genetically predisposed to excess hair growth.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects one in ten women and causes fertility issues, health issues, weight gain, fatigue, excessive hair growth and predisposes women to other health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.
Those who have PCOS tend to be insulin resistance thanks to having more male hormones than female, thus also affecting ovulation, leading to irregular periods or no periods at all, excess weight gain and of course hirsutism.
In fact, it is PCOS that is the primary trigger for younger women to suffer from hirsutism.
There are certain medications that you may have to take at some point in your life which can also cause you to grow excessive body and facial hair. These medications include; Steroids and especially the birth control pill that contains progesterone.
In extreme cases, excessive hair growth can be related to tumours that are growing and affecting the pituitary and adrenal glands, ovaries and even the digestive tract. Tumours that affect these areas can cause an increase in secretion of androgens which creates the excessive hair growth.
The pituitary gland is responsible for overseeing several of the bodily functions, including regulating hormones and the growth of hair throughout the body, so if there is something not quite right there whether a tumour or something this can cause a hormone imbalance.
The Menopause
When ladies hit the menopause, their body’s start to change and certain hormones are reduced, and others are increased.
It is during and after the menopause that women suddenly begin to see thick, coarse hair appearing on body parts that never use to, most predominantly on their chin.
How to get rid of unwanted hair growth?
Now if you don’t want to embrace your unwanted hair growth, there are many ways for you to remove it, and even to remove it on a permanent basis.
Waxing and plucking are popular ways to remove facial hair as they leave the area hair free for longer than shaving would. Generally, shaving is avoided by women because it has to be done daily and it grows back thicker and coarser, which isn’t what you want.
By waxing you are getting rid of the whole hair from the root meaning it will take longer to grow back.
If you want to be hair free but on a permanent basis, then you should try Frenesies Body and Frenesies Facial Cream.
Packed with natural ingredients and formulated with the very best European Scientists, this is the only healthy and effective option of permanent hair removal currently on the market.
This hair fighting cream works only when all hair has been removed from the root of where you wish to be hair free. Hence why it is perfect when used in conjunction with waxing.
The cream stops new hair from forming and growing by interfering with the proteins and amino acids that create the hair. After the first cycle of treatment, you’ll see a reduction of hair by up to between 60-80%.
Not only does it work hard and preventing regrowth of hair, but it also helps to soothe and moisturise the skin after waxing, reducing any redness along the way.
Important Information
If you’re experiencing any sudden onset of excess hair growth or if you’ve experienced this for a while, yet you’re still are unsure as to why you have hirsutism, we'd strongly advise for you to visit your doctor as this could be a sign of an underlying health condition, that needs looking into.