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mens body hair -

Mens hair removal has become popular over the last few years, and with more and more men wanting to find out more about getting rid of their unwanted hair growth, we thought we’d put together a handy guide, providing you with the lowdown on all you need to know. Hair Removal Methods Waxing Waxing is when a wax is applied to an area, a cloth is put over the wax and rubbed down, so all the hairs in that area can be stuck to the wax and cloth, and then the cloth is pulled off in one quick action. Pain...

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female body hair, mens body hair -

Waxing aftercare is so important to help keep your skin in its best condition and to keep any reactions that you may experience at bay. It is at this point when it will need the most care and attention. It is also important to prevent (as much as possible) the chance for ingrown hairs to form and pimples from being waxed. Pimples form because the pore is open after being waxed and can easily allow dirt and bacteria into it and fester. By following the post waxing tips below, you should be able to reduce the chance of getting these....

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female body hair, mens body hair -

Waxing and depilatory creams are two very different types of hair removal methods, and both have different outcomes. So we thought we’d put to you the pros and cons of each to help you determine which is better suited for you and your lifestyle. First, let’s look at what the difference is between waxing and depilatory creams. Waxing is a hair removal method whereby either a hard or soft wax is applied to the skin and then pulled off, taking away the whole of the unwanted hair from its root. You can expect to be hair free for up to...

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mens body hair -

Body hair on men is completely natural with every man having a different level of hairiness. From chest hair, to back hair, facial hair, hairy legs and hair on the stomach to name but a few places. But in recent years there has been a growing trend for many men to get rid of their body hair to provide a smooth, soft body. Now there is no wrong or right answer to whether men should or shouldn’t have body hair but if you want to remove it then we thought we’d find out what the best way to remove your...

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female body hair, mens body hair -

It really is the bain of our lives for those that dream of a body without hair, and something we spend millions as a collective, yearly on achieving what is portrayed as the perfect body - soft, smooth and hair free. Can hair removal permanently stop hair growth? In essence, no but what it can do is make the hair weaker and paler meaning that hair won’t grow as fast as it once did. However, this doesn’t occur with all hair removal techniques and there is a particular way that you can achieve permanent hair removal. Your best hair removal...

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