Common Reactions To Waxing
Waxing is a fantastic method to remove any unwanted hair you may have, and one that will leave you hair free for up to four weeks.
But as with most forms of hair removal, you may find that you have a common reaction afterwards.
Common reactions from waxing include:
- Redness & inflammation
- Bumps
- Pimples (whiteheads)
- Ingrown hairs
There are of course further severe reactions to waxing which include:
- Burning
- Skin being pulled off
- Sensitivity
- Allergic reactions
To avoid having a severe reaction, we would strongly suggest you have a patch test 24 hours before your appointment to ensure you aren’t allergic to the wax the salon uses, or the wax you use at home.
How Can Waxing Cause A Reaction?
It’s natural for your skin to have a common reaction from waxing, especially the first few times you wax.
It is your body’s reaction to having it’s hair pulled out from its root and dead skin cells being pulled away to reveal soft, smooth skin.
How red and inflamed your skin becomes depends on how sensitive your skin is and which part of your body you’re waxing. For example, your bikini line will be far more sensitive to wax than your legs, so you’ll no doubt experience more of a reaction there than you would on your legs. If it is highly sensitive the worse it will be. But this can be soothed and help to recover quickly with moisturising creams such as Frenesies Body Cream.
You may notice that a few hours after your wax you’ll find small red bumps appearing, this is also normal and it is a bit like razor bumps. By moisturising and keeping the waxed area out of sunlight, should help in these bumps to disappear, 24 hours after they first became visible.
Spots and ingrown hairs happen due to a number of reasons. Once you have been waxed your pores in your skin where you have been waxed are left wide open, which can let bacteria creep in if you don’t close them by applying a lotion.
Ingrown hairs are a common problem for all hair removal methods. They occur when the hair being removed is either not pulled out all the way and snapped off, leaving some hair behind just under the surface of the skin or the new hair cannot pierce through the skin to grow, and therefore starts growing sideways or back on itself.
You may notice a red bump that appears where the hair is growing and it can be tender to touch. Ingrown hairs tend to work their way out eventually, and definitely shouldn’t be poked or prodded. If you can see the hair and it is near the surface of the skin, then you can try and gently pull it out with sterilised tweezers. But don’t pick it out as this will easily spread any infection.
To minimise the chance of these reactions from occuring there are a few steps you can take before and after your waxing session.
Exfoliate the day before you’re waxing session to get rid of dead skin cells that could clog pores and cause ingrown hairs and pimples, as well as exfoliating once or twice a week after your session.
Follow your waxing session with moisturisation to help keep your skin soft, smooth, and to calm any redness that may have occurred.
Did you know you can achieve permanent hair removal through waxing and the use of Frenesies Body Cream?
Frenesies Body cream not only prevents hair regrowth but is also the perfect product to apply to a waxed area to gently moisturise and soothe the area, thanks to its natural ingredients.