Using An Epilator For Permanent Hair Removal
Permanent hair removal is something many of us would love to achieve for those pesky leg hairs, chin hairs and even bikini line. The downside is the cost of laser or light therapy sessions and the number of them required.
So is there something you can do at home to achieve this? - Yes!
Will an epilator remove hair permanently?
By using an epilator for permanent hair removal in conjunction with the use of our FRÉNÉSIES cream, you can achieve the hair less body you’ve always dreamed of.
It cannot alone completely get rid of unwanted hair permanently, but using an epilator will reduce hair growth for a longer period of time compared to shaving.
What is epilation?
Epilation is an electronic way to remove unwanted hair from their roots, helping to delay hair re-growth from three to six weeks, leaving you with an area that is soft and hair free.
How does an epilator work?
An epilator attaches to the hair and pulls it directly out of its root. It works best when the hair is shorter, making it easier and less painful to remove.
You can either do this process when you are dry or in the shower. Although, if you don’t have a very good pain threshold, epilating in the shower will be easier and slightly less painful.
This is, because the hair will be softer and the pores nicely opened, making extraction easier.
Will using an epilator reduce hair growth?
By using an epilator you’ll be reducing the time it takes for the hair to grow back, but using it alone won’t permanently get rid all of the hair.
For permanent hair removal, once you have epilated you’ll need to apply our infamous Body cream or Facial cream (depending on where you are wanting to achieve permanent hair removal) straight away.
Our cream has a unique formula that contains natural ingredients that actively blocks the hair growth. It’s rich in Selenium which works to naturally inhibit the hair by working deep down within the hair follicle.
It also contains White Willow which provides that soothing and moisturising nourishment your skin desperately needs after epilation.
You will need to apply the cream for five consecutive days from the day of epilation to get the process of preventing hair regrowth started. After the first to second cycle of treatment, you should see that hair growth has reduced anywhere between sixty to eighty percent.
The hair that does grow back, will be weaker than before and will be able to be eradicated permanently with the repeated process of epilation and applying the cream.
Prevention of hair growth
To prevent your hair from growing, you may have to perform between two and four cycles of epilation in conjunction with applying the FRÉNÉSIES cream.
In extreme and very rare cases, the treatment may take up to 6 cycles to achieve the permanent results. It really is imperative that you follow the creams step by step instructions, otherwise you may end up disappointed at not achieving your end goal.
We’ve worked hard through combining scientific research and natural ingredients, to be able to produce an exclusive product that can help achieve the prevention of hair growth that so many people across the world desire.
Why does FRÉNÉSIES body cream work so well with epilation?
It works brilliantly alongside epilation as it can block the protein and amino acids involved in producing hair within the hair follicle (when it is hair free), from growing so strongly.
Epilation alone helps to reduce the thickness of the hair overtime, but couple that with the cream, the hair will grow even thinner, lighter in colour, and will be able to be eliminated after several cycles.
Unfortunately there isn’t yet a “one treatment solution” to permanently rid your body of unwanted hair. But through epilation and proper application of our cream, you’ll be that step closer to your perfect hair less body, than any other hair removal method.
At FRÉNÉSIES, and through our joint work with top European scientists and physicians, we have developed an innovative treatment to stop unwanted hair growth and to get you feeling your best.
If you are looking to stop unwanted hair growth, start by applying one of our specially formulated FRÉNÉSIES creams...
Depilation with epilator is an easy way to get ride of unwanted hair temporarily. If after an epilator treatment you use Frenesies cream you will increase significantly the effectiveness of the depilation and also you would have an immediate smooth skin , that becomes the post epilator best treatment .
modern sharp
Very nice advancement over traditional methods of hair removal.
Braun-Silk-Epil 7 vs 9
Epilation can be really a huge means to remove hair for a longer period of time. Mark the Braun-Silk-Epil 7 vs 9, both are most useful apparatus for epilation in the marketplace now.
Persons have several choices to get depilatory. One among the greatest means of baldness in residence is epilation. It removes your hair from under the top, and this provides you an easy overall look for as many as four months.
electrolysis is more advanced than waxing to get a couple of motives, way too. With a few of the qualities available together with all the Braun apparatus, that you really don’t need to await the lengthy re-growth needed for waxing, possibly.
Emily Limoges
Thanks for sharing this! While traditional methods such as shaving, waxing, and tweezing may be effective, they don’t provide long-term solutions for hair removal and need to be repeated often and sometimes even several times per day. So we need to try new ways to remove unwanted hair.