Three Stages Of Hair Growth
Hair growth no matter where on the body it resides goes through three stages, and it’s these three stages we need to understand when we want to achieve complete permanent hairlessness.
But first, let’s look as to why we have hair.
Why do we have hair?
During the Paleolithic period, our entire bodies were mainly covered in hair. This was so we could keep warm and to protect us from external factors. But over the years our bodies have evolved with the time and has stopped growing as thickly and in some areas to stop growing altogether.
Some people are genetically predisposed to being hairier than others and of course depending on what sex you are; hair grows more prominently in different places too.
Hair is also different across the body, for example, your head hair is different to the hair that grows around your pubic region and legs.
What are the three stages of hair growth?
First stage of hair growth
The first stage of hair growth is called the Anagen stage and is also known as the growing stage. This is where new hair will be produced and grow. At any given time, around 85% of your hair across the whole of your body will be in this phase. When hair is in the Anagen phase, this is when it’s the best time to wax.
Second stage of hair growth
The second stage of hair growth is known as the Catagen phase.
This is where the hair will grow upwards and out of the follicle, detaching itself from its root (the bulb). Once it has cut off from the bulb, it will no longer have access to the blood supply, resulting in the hair no longer having the nutrients it did when it was growing. There will only be between 2% and 3% of hair across the whole body that will be in this stage at any one time.
Third stage of hair growth
The third and final stage of hair growth is the Telogen stage or the resting phase. This is where the hair is at its fullest length and is completely detached from the follicle. It is during this phase when the hair is most likely to shed. Only 15% of the body’s hair will be in this stage at once.
It can take anywhere between four and thirteen weeks (depending on genetics) for a hair to grow from the bulb of the follicle (dermal papilla) to the surface of the skin.
So how do these three stages affect the hair removal process?
Now, these three stages naturally all happen at different times, which is why you may find after the first time you have waxed for example, that your hairs grow back quicker than expected (i.e. before three/four weeks).
When one hair is in the Catagen or Telogen phase, they can easily be pulled out of their follicle, but if the hairs are in their Anagen phase, then they’ll probably be too small to be removed with waxing.
When you wax or use an epilator your hair growth will be sporadic the first few times you epilate, but within time your hair growth will start to synchronise, which is what you want if you want to be hair free for a more extended period.
How To Be Hair Free Permanently
If you want to be hair free for longer then using Frenesies Cream in conjunction with waxing will see you hair free on a permanent basis.
Our Body and Facial cream has been designed to disrupt the amino proteins deep within a hair follicle to stop it from producing new hair. After the first and second cycles of treatment, you’ll notice a reduction in hair regrowth of up to 80%!
Designed with scientifically proven, natural ingredients, our cream will not only stop hair growth but will soothe your skin post-wax, helping to reduce common waxing reactions such as redness and bumps.