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Looking for a lasting solution to pesky body hair without breaking the bank on laser treatments? You're not alone. Many seek permanent hair removal, and while laser and light therapies offer long-term results, they come at a cost and require multiple sessions. But fear not, there's a home solution – epilation. Can an epilator permanently remove hair? While it won't do so on its own, when combined with our FRÉNÉSIES cream, you're on your way to achieving the hair-free skin you desire.  What exactly is epilation? It's an electronic method of removing hair from the root, delaying regrowth for up to...

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Everyone’s hair grows at different rates. Many factors can influence the speed of hair growth. These include: Genetics: A person’s genes will dictate how quickly their hair will grow. Sex: Male hair grows faster than female hair. The growth of body hair is associated with the level of androgens (male hormones) in the individual, because men have a higher level of androgens, they tend to have more hair than women. When there are more androgens in the female body, more unwanted hair is produced and if it’s very abundant, it’s call hirsutism. Age: Hair grows fastest between the ages of...

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female facial hair, frenesies -

For facial hair removal we must take several things into consideration – area of treatment, skin type, post-treatment care, frequency with which the hair reappears. The most common women facial depilation areas are between the eyebrows, chin and upper lip. The most common Men facial depilation areas are between the eyebrows, ears and nose. We will expose the different methods, their benefits and care. Before any method you choose you must PREPARE your skin: Do not use any oil or cream 24 hours before and during the 5 days of treatment. The skin has to be clean. Female facial hair...

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Going to your very first waxing session with a beautician can seem daunting and intimidating, especially if you haven’t ever attempted waxing at home by yourself, because you truly don’t know what to expect. But that’s ok because we thought we would let you know exactly what you should expect from your very first session. Body preparation before your session The day before you go for your waxing session, you’ll need to prepare the area you are getting waxed, so it is in the perfect condition to be waxed. Trim your hair Ideally, your hair will be ¼ to ½...

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female body hair, female facial hair, mens body hair -

Humans have been removing unwanted hair for hundreds of thousands of years, and thankfully through evolution, our bodies have stopped growing as much hair and dark hair, but we are still left with finer hair on our bodies. Depending on our genetics some people can be hairier than others, and the colour of the hair can be darker too. It started right back in the stone age when our ancestors that were covered in hair would use stones to scrap away their hair to prevent enemies and animals from grabbing onto it when they were involved in a fight. Then...

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